Ayoung Kim

  • Department of Agricultural Economics


Dr. Kim is a regional economist working on community economic development related to regional productivity, firm-level economic performance, policy evaluation, and regional-economic analysis. Her main research interests are toward analyzing regional/community economic performance and local socio-economic issues, and the development of associated economic policies. Her research interests are paired with advanced applied economic approaches, including quasi-experimental design (microeconometrics), computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling, mathematical (statistical) programming (economic dynamics), and generalized numerical approaches.


On regional economy/industry
Kumar, I., A. Zhalnin, A. Kim, and L. J. Beaulieu. 2017. Transportation and logistics cluster competitive advantages in the U.S. regions: A cross-sectional and spate-temporal analysis. Research in Transportation Economics 61: 25-36.

Kim, A. and E. Kim. 2016. Spatial Agglomeration and Firm Performance in Korean Manufacturing Industry, 2012. In E. Kim and B.H.S. Kim (Eds.), Quantitative Regional Economics and Environmental Analysis for Sustainability in Korea. New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives 25: 89-104. Springer Nature, Singapore.

Kim, E., B.H.S. Kim, and A. Kim. 2011. Regional Potential Outputs and Outputs Gaps in Korea. Studies in Regional Science 41(2): 407-418.

Kim, A., M.S. Delgado, and R.J.G.M. Florax. A Quasi-Experimental Approach to Measuring Industrial Agglomeration and Regional Productivity (working paper, submitted to a peer-reviewed journal)

On rural/community development
Kim, A. and B.S. Waldorf. 2019. Baby Boomers' Paths into Retirement. In R. Franklin (Eds.), Population, Place, and Spatial Interaction, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives 40: 225-247. Springer Nature, Singapore.

Kim, A. and B. Smith. 2018. Economic Well-Being and Poverty Profiles: State Mississippi and 82 Counties in Mississippi. Extension Reports #P3267-1 to #P3267-83, Mississippi State University Extension Service. 

Waldorf, B.S. and A. Kim. 2018. The Index of Relative Rurality (IRR): US County Data for 2000 and 2010 Version 1.0 [dataset], Purdue University Research Repository, DOI:10.4231/R7959FS8.

Waldorf, B.S and A. Kim. 2015. Defining and Measuring Rurality in the US: From Typologies to Continuous Indices. Commissioned Paper for the Workshop on Rationalizing Rural Classifications, April, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC.

Kim, A. and B.S. Waldorf. Retirement, Relocation, and Residential Choice (working paper, submitted as a book chapter)


Dr. Kim is recently working on regional resilience under extreme events and the nexus of agriculture and manufacturing in rural areas. The list of related research is as follows:

  • Resilient Biomass-Combined Heat and Power Systems for Rural Communities (funded project from USDA-NIFA/AFRI, 2020-2024)
  • Resilience and Competitiveness of Rural Fiber-based Consumer and Commercial Products (FCCP) Industry Clusters in the US (submitted proposal)
  • Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters: A Myth or Mis-measure?
  • A Migration Model of Loss-Aversion: The Role of Economic Prospect and Spatial Referencing
  • Spatial Agglomeration and Firm Performance in the US
  • Food Supply Chain Approach as Rural Developmentral disasters as well as resilient biomass energy systems for rural communities, which is a funded USDA project.
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