Emily Reid Carter

  • January 2022

Extension Agent and County Coordinator
MSU Extension Service
Sharkey and Issaquena Counties

Years in Position: 8 years
Years at MSU: 18.5 years

Emily Reid Carter grew up in 4-H and knew the Extension Service would be a perfect fit as a career.

“I love the variety of programs and services I am able to offer to the community,” she said. “After being in 4-H, I knew I would enjoy working with youth and other program areas of MSU Extension.”

Carter offers educational programming in both family and consumer science and 4-H. As an FCS agent, she focuses on delivering nutrition and healthy lifestyle information to adults and students. She’s recently been involved with the Adult Mental Health First Aid training, which helps individuals in communities understand how to recognize and better respond to signs that someone may be experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.

Right now, young people in her 4-H program are becoming Junior Master Wellness Volunteers. The program, which is facilitated through 4-H, trains 14- to 18-year-olds to help improve health literacy and healthy lifestyle choices in their communities.

Providing opportunities to young people is important to Carter, and one of her favorite memories as an Extension agent involves a 4-H trip.

“We were walking through the United States Capital building with a 4-Her who had never been out of the state of Mississippi,” she said. “He turned to me and said, ‘This has changed my life!’”

And Extension really can change people’s lives, Carter said.

“So many people do not understand how much Extension could enhance their lives through the educational programs and the services we offer. If someone is interested in making a difference in their community and making a positive impact on others, a career with MSU Extension is for them.”

Carter and her husband Clark have been married 32 years and have two adult children and a 2-year-old granddaughter.

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