William M. White Special Project Awards - Selection Guidelines

The following selection guidelines for the William M. White Special Project Awards in the Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University were developed based on the administrative guidelines of the endowment to the university. The guidelines were developed by a special committee appointed by the vice president of the Division.

The William M. White Special Projects program provides financial support for agricultural research, Extension Service and educational enhancement in the Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University (MSU). This award program will be used to support worthy projects that further the development of agriculture and agribusiness in Mississippi. The Mississippi State University Extension Service (MSU-ES), the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES), and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) will be recipients. Through this program, funding for research, Extension and teaching activities and/or materials, can receive support. Proposed projects should create opportunity for efforts that otherwise would not exist, be used as seed funding to stimulate other funding, and should also address continuing benefits. Proposals in which the main emphasis does not support research, Extension and/or teaching development in agriculture/agribusiness in Mississippi will not be considered.

The principal investigator must be a MAFES scientist, Extension professional and/or academic faculty member in CALS. A group from MAFES, MSU-ES and/or CALS may submit a proposal with a single principal investigator or "co-principal investigators" designated. No more than one award will be given to an investigator (or co-investigator) in a 24-month period.

Proposal Content
Each proposal (no more than three (3) pages in length including supporting documents) must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine. A narrative discussion of a proposed project should include:
1.   An explanation of the activities and/or materials of the research, Extension or teaching project.
2.   An explanation of how the project will improve research, Extension or teaching for the clientele served.
3.   A rationale for requesting funds
      a.   How the proposed activities/materials differ from those currently used.
      b.   Amount of funding requested, in broad categories.
4.   A timetable (up to 24 months).

Expenditures may include anything normally considered to be a valid use of gift funds by Mississippi State University. Salaries, wages, or recurring costs may not be included, with the exception of stipends for students, which may be included in the project.

The proposed budget should provide sufficient detail of anticipated expenditures in the broad categories of travel, contractual, commodities, stipends and equipment. Total amount of a research, Extension or teaching project should not exceed $2,000. Joint projects between two of the areas (research, Extension or teaching) will be considered and should not exceed $3,000.

Proposals must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine. The proposals to be funded will be selected by an evaluation committee, which will be composed of six individuals appointed by the vice president. MAFES, MSU-ES and CALS will have two representatives each to serve on the evaluation committee.

Awardees will submit two (2) copies of a report stating whether the funded project was successful in reaching expected outcomes not later than 30 days after the date of completion. Copies of these reports will be made available to the committee to provide information on evaluating the potential success of future proposals. Failure to submit a report may disqualify recipients from future awards.

NOTE: Proposals are due in the vice president's office by February 7, 2025.   Please submit proposals as follows:

By mail:
Vice President’s Office, DAFVM
William H White Selection Committee
P.O. Box 9800
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Mailstop or hand deliveries:
Vice President’s Office, DAFVM
Mailstop 9800
203 Bost

By E-mail: